We are excited to work for you! The following details will help ensure a smooth and convenient appointment:
-Please have the following available:
—2 feet of cleared space around each vent and 5 feet around the furnace.
—A clear path from the entry door to the furnace and dryer.
—An available 220V outlet (the same type that an electric dryer plugs into)
—Clearly labeled breaker for the furnace on your electrical panel (furnace power will be off during duct cleaning).
-Turn off fireplaces and wood burning stoves prior to our work beginning.
-Noise concerns: loud noise will be from our vacuum located right by the furnace and our compressor located outside in our van. The vacuum will only be on for the middle portion of the appointment- not during set up or tear down. When cleaning each individual vent, we will only be in the room for 1-2 minutes at a time.
-If there is not already access hole(s) in your furnace from a previous duct cleaning, we will cut one or two holes to hook up our vacuum hose and completely patch the hole(s) with a new piece of sheet metal.
-Dryer vent cleanings are done for 50% off if done at the same time as air ducts. If we haven’t planned to do so already, let us know if you want yours done!